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PSE Set Registry > 19th Century Regular Issues > 1869 Pictorials (Used) >
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Nick Kirke Collection - The Number One Finest Set of All Time

1869 Pictorials (Used)

Weighted GPA : 95.88
% Complete:  100.00%
Set Rating: 95.88
% Jumbo: 27.27

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Owner's Comments:
My aim for several years was to complete this set at minimum 95 which I have now achieved. The toughest values by far were the 1c and particularly the 6c. The 6c posed the kind of problem which confronts many grading enthusiasts I am sure. My initial 6c was an extraordinary stamp with huge balanced margins at the sides and slightly smaller but again balanced margins at the top and bottom. It graded a mere 90J. Then along comes a copy with smaller margins but more or less perfectly centred,ie the margins are of equal size on ALL sides. I sell the 90J and keep the 95. Well, in my heart of hearts I knew damn well that the 90J stamp was, dare I use the phrase, the 'one in a million' stamp yet I let it go. Before the advent of grading I would absolutely have said the 90J was the preferable copy. Of course, I could have kept both but that becomes an expensive tactic. I often sell to offset the cost of an upgrade. When one moves into the areas of a strong 90J and a weak 95 life gets difficult. Who said grading takes away the collector's ability to choose? I freely admit to occasionally allowing the number to predominate over my natural inclination. As possibly happened with that 1869 6c.

Nick Kirke Collection
Item Scott No. Issue Date Denom Color PSE Grade Pop* Pop
J Pop
Condition Owner's Comments
1c 112  1869  1c  Buff  95  Used   
2c 113  1869  2c  Brown  95  22  Used   
3c 114  1869  3c  Ultramarine  95J  Used   
6c 115  1869  6c  Ultramarine  98J  Used   
10c 116  1869  10c  Yellow  95  19  Used   
12c 117  1869  12c  Green  98  10  Used   
15c 118  1869  15c  Brown & blue  98J  Used   
15c 119  1869  15c  Brown & blue  95  Used   
24c 120  1869  24c  Green & violet  95J  Used   
30c 121  1869  30c  Ultramarine & carmine  95  15  Used   
90c 122  1869  90c  Carmine & black  95  Used   

* Pop (population) values are the number of stamps graded by Scott number and condition for each item listed.
Pop Higher values represent the number of stamps which are worth more points in the Registry, taking into account bonus points for Jumbos whereas 80J = 83, 85J = 88, 90J = 93, 95J = 97, 98J = 99, 100J = 102. J Pop Higher values are the number of Jumbos graded higher for each item listed.