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PSE Set Registry
PSE Set Registry > 20th Century Regular Issues > 1926-31 Regular Issue Rotary (NH) >
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Betsy's Stamps 666

1926-31 Regular Issue Rotary (NH)

Grade Points: 96.26
Completion: 95.65%
Set Rating: 92.82
% Jumbo: 9.09%

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Owner's Comments:

Betsy's Stamps 666
Item Scott No. Issue Date Denom Color PSE Grade Pop* Pop
J Pop
Condition Owner's Comments
1/2c     ½c  Rot            
1c 632  1927  1c  Green  95  35  31  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01165403 
1-1/2c 633  1927  1½c  Yellow brown  95  15  13  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01212759 
2c 634  1926  2c  Carmine  98  27  11  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01321284 
2c 634A  1928  2c  Carmine  95J  18  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01311530 
3c 635  1927  3c  Violet  95  23  24  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01059506 
4c 636  1927  4c  Yellow brown  95  50  44  10  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01162012 
5c 637  1927  5c  Dark blue  90  25  51  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01123872 
6c 638  1927  6c  Red orange  100  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01323177 
7c 639  1927  7c  Black  95  65  51  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01133457 
8c 640  1927  8c  Olive green  90  19  30  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01165407 
9c 641  1927  9c  Rose  95J  30  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01152836 
10c 642  1927  10c  Orange  95  44  23  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01036235 
11c 692  1931  11c  Light blue  95  43  26  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01121782 
12c 693  1931  12c  Brown violet  100  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01290848 
13c 694  1931  13c  Yellow green  98  21  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01142332 
14c 695  1931  14c  Dark blue  98  14  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01192716 
15c 696  1931  15c  Gray  98  22  Mint OGnh  Cert #1195541 
17c 697  1931  17c  Black  95  50  20  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01165220 
20c 698  1931  20c  Carmine rose  95  59  29  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01209106 
25c 699  1931  25c  Blue green  95  49  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01200142 
30c 700  1931  30c  Brown  98  27  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01209107 
50c 701  1931  50c  Lilac  98  43  10  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01097449 

* Pop (population) values are the number of stamps graded by Scott number and condition for each item listed.
Pop Higher values represent the number of stamps which are worth more points in the Registry, taking into account bonus points for Jumbos whereas 80J = 83, 85J = 88, 90J = 93, 95J = 97, 98J = 99, 100J = 102. J Pop Higher values are the number of Jumbos graded higher for each item listed.