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PSE Set Registry
PSE Set Registry > 20th Century Regular Issues > 1915-16 Regular Issues - Coils (Used) >
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Betsy's Stamps 566-AU

1915-16 Regular Issues - Coils (Used)

Grade Points: 78.33
Completion: 27.27%
Set Rating: 26.11

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Owner's Comments:

Betsy's Stamps 566-AU
Item Scott No. Issue Date Denom Color PSE Grade Pop* Pop
J Pop
Condition Owner's Comments
1c 448  1915  1c  Green  95  Used  Cert # 01267800 
2c 449  1915  2c  Red  70  51  Used  Cert # 1314459 
2c     2c  10H SLW Ty III Rot            
1c 452  1914  1c  Green  95  16  Used  Cert # 01321178 
2c     2c  10V SLW Ty I Rot            
2c     2c  10V SLW Ty II Rot            
2c     2c  10V SLW, Ty III Rot            
3c     3c  10V SLW Ty I Rot            
4c     4c  10V SLW Rot            
5c     5c  10V SLW Rot            
2c     2c  Imp SLW Ty I Rot            

* Pop (population) values are the number of stamps graded by Scott number and condition for each item listed.
Pop Higher values represent the number of stamps which are worth more points in the Registry, taking into account bonus points for Jumbos whereas 80J = 83, 85J = 88, 90J = 93, 95J = 97, 98J = 99, 100J = 102. J Pop Higher values are the number of Jumbos graded higher for each item listed.