Professional Stamp Experts
PSE Set Registry
PSE Set Registry > 20th Century Regular Issues > 1923-26 Perf. 10 (NH) >
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1923-26 Perf. 10 (NH)

Grade Points: 94.30
Completion: 81.82%
Set Rating: 78.58

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Owner's Comments:

Item Scott No. Issue Date Denom Color PSE Grade Pop* Pop
J Pop
Condition Owner's Comments
1c     1c  P10 Rot            
1-1/2c 582  1925  1½c  Brown  95  27  22  Mint OGnh  Cert. #01239153 
2c 583  1924  2c  Carmine  95  38  29  Mint OGnh  Cert. #01273054 
3c 584  1925  3c  Violet  90  49  58  Mint OGnh  Cert. #01282525 
4c 585  1925  4c  Yellow brown  95  39  32  Mint OGnh  Cert. #01284978 
5c 586  1924  5c  Blue  90  23  15  Mint OGnh  Cert. #01273055 
6c 587  1925  6c  Red orange  95  24  14  Mint OGnh  Cert. #01273056 
7c 588  1926  7c  Black  98  19  Mint OGnh  Cert. #01292760 
8c     8c  P10 Rot            
9c 590  1926  9c  Rose  95  37  32  Mint OGnh  Cert. #01292761 
10c 591  1925  10c  Orange  95  52  20  Mint OGnh  Cert. #01312943 

* Pop (population) values are the number of stamps graded by Scott number and condition for each item listed.
Pop Higher values represent the number of stamps which are worth more points in the Registry, taking into account bonus points for Jumbos whereas 80J = 83, 85J = 88, 90J = 93, 95J = 97, 98J = 99, 100J = 102. J Pop Higher values are the number of Jumbos graded higher for each item listed.