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PSE Set Registry > 20th Century Regular Issues > 1954 Liberty Set with Varieties - Coils Line Pairs (NH) >
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Betsy's Stamps 763-LPNV

1954 Liberty Set with Varieties - Coils Line Pairs (NH)

Grade Points: 94.56
Completion: 32.14%
Set Rating: 21.82

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Owner's Comments:

Betsy's Stamps 763-LPNV
Item Scott No. Issue Date Denom Color PSE Grade Pop* Pop
J Pop
Condition Owner's Comments
1c - Lrg Hole / Wet Prnt     1c  wet, lg holes            
1c - Lrg Hole / Dry Prnt     1c  dry. lg holes            
1c - Sml Hole / Dry Prnt 1054b LP  1960  1c  Dark green  95  13  11  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01404324 
1 1/4c - Sml Hole 1054A LP  1960  1¼c  Turquoise  95  23  10  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01418806 
1 1/4c - Lrg Hole     1¼c  lg holes            
2c - Lrg Hole / Wet Prnt 1055 LP  1954  2c  Carmine rose  95  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01250421 
2c - Sml Hole / Wet Prnt     2c  wet, sm holes            
2c - Lrg Hole / Dry Prnt 1055a LP  1957  2c  Carmine rose  95  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01404322 
2c - Sml Hole / Dry Prnt     2c  dry, sm holes            
2c - Tag / Sml Hole / Shiny Gum 1055b LP  1968  2c  Carmine rose  98  29  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01300607 
2c - Tag / Sml Hole / Dull Gum     2c  tag, dull gum, sm holes            
2 1/2c - Lrg Hole     2½c  lg holes            
2 1/2c - Sml Hole     2½c  sm holes            
3c - Lrg Hole / Wet Prnt 1057 LP  1954  3c  Deep violet  90  12  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01219178 
3c - Sml Hole / Wet Prnt     3c  wet, sm holes            
3c - Lrg Hole / Dry Prnt     3c  10V dry, lg holes            
3c - Sml Hole / Dry Prnt 1057a LP  1958  3c  deep violet  95  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01418796 
3c - Tag / Sml Hole / Look Coil     3c  tag, LOOK print            
3c - Tag / Sml Hole / Phil Prnt     3c  tag, philatelic print            
4c - Lrg Hole / Dry Prnt     4c  dry, lg holes            
4c - Sml Hole / Dry Prnt 1058 LP  1958  4c  red violet  98  19  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01402645 
4c - Lrg Hole / Wet Prnt     4c  wet, lg holes            
4 1/2c - Lg Hole 1059 LP  1959  4½c  Blue green  90  Mint OGnh  Cert # 01418822 
4 1/2c - Sml Hole     4½c  sm holes            
25c - Untagged     25c  untag            
25c - Tagged / Shiny Gum     25c  tag, shiny gum            
25c - Tagged / Shiny Gum / Translucent Ppr     25c  tag, translucent paper, shiny gum            
25c - Tagged / Dull Gum     25c  tag, dull gum            

* Pop (population) values are the number of stamps graded by Scott number and condition for each item listed.
Pop Higher values represent the number of stamps which are worth more points in the Registry, taking into account bonus points for Jumbos whereas 80J = 83, 85J = 88, 90J = 93, 95J = 97, 98J = 99, 100J = 102. J Pop Higher values are the number of Jumbos graded higher for each item listed.