Professional Stamp Experts

PSE Set Registry > 19th Century Regular Issues >
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1894 First Bureau Issues (OG)
Number of Required Stamps: 19
Finest Possible Set Rating: 98.86

Notes: Catalog numbers 250, 250a, or 250b, 251 or 251a, and 252 or 252a can be used in this set. Although stamps graded OGnh are permitted in this set, sets must contain at least 50% OG in order to qualify.
The following bonus points apply for Jumbos:
If graded 80,85,90, then 3 bonus points
If graded 95, then 2 bonus points
If graded 98, then 1 bonus point
If graded 100, then 2 bonus points.

All-Time Finest
  Collection Weighted GPA % Complete % Jumbo Set Rating
1 wmerlin collections 97.12  100 %  43%  97.12 
2 William Floyd 90.71  100 %  22%  90.71 
3 Robert Zoellner 87.90  100 %  11%  87.90 
4 San Marino 95.75  84 %  44%  85.67 
5 G-DUB 94.71  37 %  43%  23.26 
6 Bob's Stamps 91.43  21 %  0%  11.23 
7 Betsy's Stamps 232 85.25  16 %  67%  5.98 
8 1st Bureau 100.0  11 %  0%  5.26 
9 My Collection 80.00  5 %  0%  1.40