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David Hall - The Number One Finest Set of All Time

Special Delivery Issues (NH)

Weighted GPA : 95.77
% Complete:  95.65%
Set Rating: 94.32
% Jumbo: 36.36
Registrant's Email Address:

Owner's Comments:
I love Special Delivery stamps. It's like a history of transportation. First the guy is running, then he's riding a bike, then he has motorcycle, then a truck, and then an airplane. And the what a great business idea. Special Delivery was like Fed-Ex decades before Fed Ex was even around. I wonder if it's where Fred Smith got the Fed-Ex idea. They are big, beautiful stamps. I am a strong buyer of any stamp I need, including upgrades. Please email me if you have any top grade Special Deliveries for sale.

David Hall
Item Scott No. Issue Date Denom Color PSE Grade Pop* Pop
J Pop
Condition Owner's Comments
10c E1  1885  10c  Blue  95  Mint OGnh   
10c E2  1888  10c  Blue  95  Mint OGnh   
10c E3  1893  10c  Orange  90J  Mint OGnh   
10c E4  1894  10c  Blue  95J  Mint OGnh   
10c E5  1895  10c  Blue  95  15  Mint OGnh   
10c E6  1902  10c  Ultramarine  90J  Mint OGnh   
10c E7  1908  10c  Green  95J  12  Mint OGnh   
10c E8  1911  10c  Ultramarine  95J  Mint OGnh   
10c E9  1914  10c  Ultramarine  95  24  14  Mint OGnh   
10c E10  1916  10c  Pale ultramarine  95J  Mint OGnh   
10c E11  1917  10c  Ultramarine  95J  24  12  Mint OGnh   
10c E12  1922  10c  Gray violet  98  10  Mint OGnh   
15c E13  1925  15c  Deep orange  98  17  Mint OGnh   
20c E14  1925  20c  Black  98  30  17  15  Mint OGnh   
10c E15  1927  10c  Gray violet  100  13  Mint OGnh   
15c E16  1931  15c  Orange  95  48  27  Mint OGnh   
13c E17  1944  13c  Blue  95  78  62  Mint OGnh   
17c E18  1944  17c  Orange yellow  95  70  50  Mint OGnh   
20c E19  1951  20c  Black  98J  Mint OGnh   
20c E20  1954  20c  Deep blue  95  25  31  Mint OGnh   
30c E21  1957  30c  Lake  95  43  74  Mint OGnh   
45c     45c              
60c E23  1971  60c  Violet blue & carmine  98  10  Mint OGnh   

* Pop (population) values are the number of stamps graded by Scott number and condition for each item listed.
Pop Higher values represent the number of stamps which are worth more points in the Registry, taking into account bonus points for Jumbos whereas 80J = 83, 85J = 88, 90J = 93, 95J = 97, 98J = 99, 100J = 102. J Pop Higher values are the number of Jumbos graded higher for each item listed.